Study Reveals BiPAP is Better for Compliance

Study Reveals BiPAP is Better for Compliance

New research offers a potential game-changer for sleep apnea sufferers.

A recent study reveals that switching from the standard CPAP therapy to the more adaptable BiPAP might be a breath of fresh air. Patients who made the switch reported significantly improved adherence and treatment outcomes, according to findings published on the BMJ Open Respiratory Research website.

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder that causes people to stop breathing repeatedly during sleep. It can contribute to a number of health problems, including heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.

CPAP is the most common treatment for sleep apnea, but it can be difficult to get used to and many patients find it uncomfortable. Meanwhile, BiPAP is a newer type of sleep apnea treatment that delivers air at two different pressures.

What are BiPAP and CPAP?

BiPAP is a breathing machine that delivers air at two different pressures, higher when you inhale and lower when you exhale, to assist with breathing. This can make it easier for patients to breathe and can help to improve sleep quality.

CPAP is another device used to treat sleep apnea. A CPAP machine delivers a steady stream of air through a mask worn over your nose or mouth. This constant air pressure helps keep your airways open while you sleep, preventing those pauses in breathing that are characteristic of sleep apnea.  

BiPAP vs CPAP Compliance Study

A 2019 study followed 1,496 patients with sleep apnea who were initially treated with CPAP or automatic CPAP (APAP). After 90 days, patients who were not compliant with their CPAP therapy were switched to BiPAP.

The results showed that patients who switched to BiPAP had a significant increase in average daily PAP usage, as well as a decrease in the number of apneas and hypopneas per hour of sleep. They were also more likely to meet the compliance criteria set by the United States Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Specifically, 56.8% of patients who used to be non-compliant with CPAP/APAP achieved CMS compliance criteria after using bilevel PAP.

The researchers concluded that switching to BiPAP may be a beneficial option for patients with sleep apnea who are struggling to comply with CPAP therapy. Their median average daily PAP usage improved by 0.9 h/day, with some patients even reporting an 1.8-hour increase.

Nonetheless, the researchers noted that further studies are needed to support these findings.

Benefits of Using BiPAP

Below are some of the benefits of switching to BiPAP.

Improved compliance

BiPAP often provides more comfort and relief compared to CPAP, especially for individuals with conditions like COPD or heart failure. The dual-pressure system can make breathing in and out easier, increasing the likelihood of consistent use.

Better sleep quality

By addressing breathing difficulties and preventing airway collapse, BiPAP promotes deeper, more restful sleep.

Reduced risk of health problems

Untreated sleep apnea is linked to a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and other serious health conditions. By effectively treating sleep apnea, BiPAP can significantly reduce the risk of these associated health problems.

If you are considering switching to BiPAP, it is important to talk to your doctor to see if it is right for you.

The BiPAP Advantage for Sleep Apnea

The research clearly indicates that switching from CPAP to BiPAP can significantly improve adherence to sleep apnea therapy, leading to better health outcomes. This is particularly beneficial for patients struggling to maintain consistent CPAP usage, a common challenge that often results in discontinued treatment and worsening of sleep apnea symptoms.

Sleep apnea is a serious condition that requires careful management. The journey to finding the right treatment often involves several steps:

Recognizing Symptoms

Pay attention to signs like loud snoring, daytime sleepiness, morning headaches, or choking or gasping during sleep. These could indicate sleep apnea.

Medical Evaluation

Consult a healthcare professional for a sleep study to diagnose the severity of sleep apnea.

Lifestyle Modifications

Weight loss, regular exercise, avoiding alcohol and sedatives, and adopting healthy sleep habits can often alleviate mild cases of sleep apnea.

CPAP Therapy

For moderate to severe sleep apnea, CPAP is typically the first line of treatment. It delivers continuous air pressure to keep airways open.

BiPAP Consideration

If CPAP isn't tolerated well, BiPAP might be a suitable alternative. It offers adjustable air pressure for inhalation and exhalation, potentially improving comfort and effectiveness.

Ongoing Monitoring

Regular check-ups with your healthcare provider are essential to monitor treatment efficacy and make necessary adjustments.

Considering BiPAP? Make the switch today

While the study highlights the benefits of BiPAP, it's crucial to remember that individual responses to treatment vary. The best approach is to work closely with a healthcare provider to determine the most effective treatment plan.

By understanding sleep apnea, seeking appropriate medical guidance, and exploring treatment options like BiPAP, individuals can significantly improve their sleep quality, overall health, and well-being.

Working with sleep experts like the professionals at can help you understand your treatment options and choose the best path to wellness. Take a free sleep assessment today!